Mindfulness meditation offers us the invaluable opportunity to awaken to each present moment as it happens, sit with whatever arises in your life with acceptance and curiosity, and cultivate kindness and compassion for our fellow living beings. Here you can find my musings, dharma talks, and suggested practices for the mind and heart, as well as my courses and workshops.
Western Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting
March 16 - March 17
Transferred Intent and Hiding in a Crowd: b.Sanhedrin 79-80
Today and tomorrow’s pages address two issues on which there is plenty of writing in modern criminal law. The first is the issue of transferred intent. Usually, we look for
The Eggshell Skull and Other Causation Challenges: b.Sanhedrin 78
Today’s page features two recognized problems in criminal causation of homicide: the issue of multiple contributing factors and the problem of a preexisting condition that hastened death.[1] Today, issues of
A Ray of Sunshine
Sagi Dekel-Hen, who has returned from 500 days in captivity, sings a beautiful song about a ray of sunshine with his family and friends. That’s it. That’s everything.
Peculiar Murders: b.Sanhedrin 77
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN:Ms. Woods, would you rather have a client who committed a crime malum in se or malum prohibitum?ELLE: Neither.CALLAHAN: And why is that?ELLE: I would rather have a client
The Limits of Propriety: b.Sanhedrin 75-76
Our new sugiyah, וְאֵלּוּ הֵן הַנִּשְׂרָפִין (“and these are to be burned”), is a compendium of substantive criminal law rulings debating the definition of offenses punishable by burning and by
Standing Up to Villains: b.Sanhedrin 73-75
We’re still running a few days ahead of the universal schedule given that I have a few days of solo parenting and soccer league chaperoning ahead of me, and I