Mindfulness meditation offers us the invaluable opportunity to awaken to each present moment as it happens, sit with whatever arises in your life with acceptance and curiosity, and cultivate kindness and compassion for our fellow living beings. Here you can find my musings, dharma talks, and suggested practices for the mind and heart, as well as my courses and workshops.
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The Acquisition of Skill: Gran Turismo (2023)
Happy New Year! To take a breather from a hectic schedule teaching a concentrated course at Tel Aviv University, and to celebrate the completion of my book manuscript Behind Ancient
Truly Social
During our recent family vacation we spent three hours in an outrigger canoe on Big River (and you can do the same). It was the morning after Thanksgiving. The river
Learning to Read Again
On the heels of finishing the manuscript for my next book, Behind Ancient Bars, we’re taking a much-needed Thanksgiving break in Mendocino. The breathtaking vistas and calm atmosphere are an
The Oddness of Race Cheating
In 2011 I swam a 10k race in the Applegate lake in Oregon. It was a four-lap race around a circular course of buoys that spanned a big chunk of
Narrative and Counternarrative in Religious Strife: The Wacky Story of “Toledot Yeshu”
This month I’m very lucky to be taking a demo class at Hebrew Union College with the awesome AJ Berkowitz, whose research focuses on Jewish life between the Alexander the
North American Jews: Are You Really That Insular, Or Do You Just Play Insular on TV?
At the urge of many friends, I watched a few episodes of the new Netflix show Nobody Wants This, which centers around the romantic relationship between a (male, presumably Reform)