Dear Readers,
Thank you for your patience with the recent scant posting. I’ve been away, backpacking through China (and, incidentally, learning a bit about the Hong Kong correctional system). We’re returning to a regular posting schedule and look forward to informing you and being informed by your comments and emails.
Best, HA
What is you take on China's prison system, compared to ours?
I didn't see much of the Mainland Chinese correctional system, Jerry, beyond what we hear about it in the West (namely, that it is appalling). However, I did get to learn a bit about Hong Kong, because I gave a talk about the CCC and humonetarianism at Hong Kong University. Hong Kong has been emphasizing rehabilitation for the last eleven years, and they've been juggling institutions to deal with a 130% overcrowding (in that sense they are in much better shape than us). They seem to have a pretty impressive medical system, as well as a nice array of vocational and educational programs.