It’s been a while since I posted about food, and not for lack of eating. With full-time parenting, full-time working, and full-time studying, I’ve had little time to make labor intensive foods, and even more so to take pictures and post about what I cook. Nevertheless, sourdough is still baked on a weekly basis at this house, and vegan meals get put on the table. One thing I’m going to do regularly for the foreseeable future is prep nutritious weekday lunches every Sunday; these come together in less than an hour and are really good to keep in the fridge.
The idea comes from my coach Karina Inkster, who held a food prep party via Zoom last week and inspired me to keep doing this. It’s pretty simple: you roast a ton of wholesome ingredients, lightly steam some greens, make a dressing, and pack everything in lunch-size containers. The ingredients for the meal pictured above are (amounts specified for five weekday lunches):
- 1 big sweet potato (purple, in this case)
- 3 medium-sized Jerusalem artichokes
- 1 purple cauliflower and 1 white cauliflower
- 1/2 red cabbage
- 1-2 cans chickpeas
- 1-2 blocks tofu
- 1 large bunch kale
Heat up oven to 400F. Chop all ingredients, except the kale, into 1/2-inch cubes. Place on baking trays (spray with a bit of olive oil), lightly salt and pepper, and bake for about 40-45 mins. The kale should then be stemmed and lightly steamed.
While all of this is going on, make the dressing; I made this one.
Mix all the ingredients except the dressing and pack into lunch-sized containers (I filled five to the brim). When it’s time to serve, you can heat on the stove or microwave for 2 mins or so, drizzle the dressing, and enjoy!